Last Friday I was invited to participate in the City Women’s Network (CWN) conference. I was on the opening panel with the wonderful moderator Alison Maitland. We were joined by Noreen Doyle and Fiona Woolf CBE, Sheriff and Alderman for the City of London.
Our panel discussed the Lord Davies review and its implementations for the Equality Act. All the panellists agreed with the main points of the Davies review and we were pleased that the Government is going to continue implementing the Equality Act of 2010. The one exception was fair pay audits in the private sector. The Office of National Statistics estimates that the median gender pay gap comparing all men and women is 19.8%. The Government is committed to promoting equal pay, including, working with employers to help them publish equality data about their workforce on a voluntary basis, but clearly there is still a lot more work to do here.
There are still many inequalities but I welcome Lord Davies recommendations and I hope that organisations will embrace the Lord Davis review and fulfil their duty to help and encourage women to reach their highest potential throughout their chosen careers.
How do you feel things have changed in your workplace over the last year? Has the Equality Act of 2010 had an effect on your workplace?